Friday, July 30, 2010

How Article Advertising Rewards Your Own Business

How Article Advertising Rewards Your Own Business

By: Brian Tubbs

There are thousands of articles on the Internet that get published every day. Yet only a handful of them bring the writers the results they were after. The purpose of article marketing is to bring visitors to your website and hopefully get sales or opt-ins. We will now discuss some of the main advantages of using article marketing to promote your Internet business.

One of the more obvious perks of article marketing is that you gain an ability to easily pre-sell your products. Articles that are informative in nature can always spark an interest in your prospects about the items you are offering and provide them with the information needed to make a buying decision. You're not selling in the article, but rather educating your potential customers about the product or the problem it is solving. This can literally increase your sales because when your potential customer is in the purchasing mindset, it'll be a breeze for you to make a sale. Gobs of article marketers don't follow this method, yet hope to be flooded with traffic, when in reality they can use their articles to pre-sell their stuff and lead interested people to their website. The thought for pre-selling being so important nowadays is due to people being very away about they are spending their money on and how much. In order to make the purchasing experience more pleasurable and to assist them in making a careful decision, informative articles can be the answer to all their questions. Last but not least; you should always try hard to tone down your pre-selling so that you don't end up turning your article into an unplanned advertisement.

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With article marketing, you have a way to bring your message to people in every location of the world, which means you can potentially sell your products globally. It's a very efficient way to have your articles read by a large number of potential customers.

You will see great benefits from the targeted traffic that is directed to your site from search engines. People who use article marketing for their online business never experience traffic that's vague or bad. If your site visitors are not interested in your products they are of no use to your pockets. Write well written articles if you intend to see return readers, an interested reader will want to know more. Your subject might be the thing a visitor is looking for, you will have great success if that is true. Aside from that fact your articles have the ability to spread around meaning you get more exposure. The response to an article will be greater if it is spread around more. Even if your articles are spread across a hundred different places on the web they will still deliver to you a great prospective customer. The easiest benefit to reap is this one because you don't have to do more than sit back and watch the traffic roll in.

One more spectacular benefit of article marketing is the usual flow of traffic you'll get from the search engines as well as the additional websites that have published your articles. There are many marketers who are still getting traffic from their old articles that were published years ago. The thought for this is the Internet is now an information powerhouse that is repeatedly being fed with content of exceptional quality. When your articles are a high caliber and provide relevant info to the reader, they don't just receive a good ranking in the search engines but also get distributed in newsletter, ezines and websites that publish third party content. This just proves that your articles have an ability to direct new visitors to your site again and again, without having to spend money on them. It's free traffic for a lifetime and the most excellent thing is it's highly targeted.

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Your ability to create high quality backlinks which are a necessity if you want your ranking with the search engines to soar is said to be another benefit of article marketing. There are hundreds of different article directories on the web where you can submit your article and get targeted backlinks. These backlinks are great because they are always relevant. Getting unrelated traffic can be caused by submitting your article to the wrong category. The search engines not only look at the quantity of the backlinks but also the quality. You can leverage your article marketing to build links quickly and efficiently.

Another advantage to writing many articles is that you gradually create your own library of content that is available to you. This is your own content, so you can put it to any use you choose. You may want to put some of your articles together to create longer documents such as e books, and these can be used in a number of ways for promotional purposes.

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